Performance Wave: Revolutionise Your People Management

The smart Performance Review tool that puts people first in people management.

Before Performance Wave

Doing performance review is painfully long and tedious; many employees think that the process interferes with their productivity.

Employees receive limited feedback about their performance, usually only during the company-wide review periods which happens once or twice a year.

Managers hold all the power in the traditional performance appraisal system, which could result in a biased or in-comprehensive assessment of an employee’s performance.

Why Performance Wave?

Performance Wave aims to revolutionise performance management by providing employees with an engaging feedback experience that can be done anywhere, anytime, on their mobile or desktop. Doing a review is easy and takes less than 5 minutes.

Switching from an annual appraisal to an ongoing one allows manager to provide employees with feedback as it occurs, not once a year.

With Performance Wave’s 360 review process, employees not only receive feedback from managers, but also reporting staff, co-workers and customers. This provides an objective and comprehensive assessment of employees’ performance.

How Much?

Some Of Their Happy Clients.